Shiny red shoes

There are still small joys to be had in this time when disappointments are on a scale too large to comprehend. In my twenties I used to run around at Art College in bare feet and once got hauled into a room where there was a Karate class, because the teacher wanted to show the class an ‘ideal’ karate foot – an ageing foot that was once ideal for Karate does not fit comfortably into 99% of women’s shoes. After wearing the same two pairs for the last few years, I have at last found, and bought (two very separate actions), a pair of comfortable, respectable shoes. As I sat on a sofa looking at my feet last night I felt for a moment that toddler-like wonder at the sight of my splendidly shod feet.

dscn0076 dscn0079

I send my deep commiserations to my shocked American friends. We are equally shaken on the other side of the ocean.

46 thoughts on “Shiny red shoes

  1. I have had a few pair of red shoes in my life and I find them magical….like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz’s ruby red slippers, or…..oh, no! I just remembered Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Red Shoes”… very, very careful, Hilary, not to wear your red shoes to church, or you know what will happen….

    • The soothing was delicious, but a drop when up against the scale of the despair. Sadly, in spite of good shoe behaviour all my life, osteo-arthritis means orthotics and my short, square feet need extra deep shoes. Still, they work all, so I am not complaining.

  2. I guess we all are shaken by the changes that will come our way. Maybe that’s is part of getting older -not understanding anymore?

    As for your shoes, they look comfortable and that’s all that matters. I love them!

    • You are so kind to ask. Yes, they are. There have been family health issues, but they have stabilised and all is looking good at the moment. The book seems to be getting along too and I have survived giving 5 hour-long lectures and more are being planned. Hope all is well on your home front too.

      • Well, that relieves me, my dear and much-admired friend ! Here I am settling in to my final resting place (so to speak, I hasten to add), and finding that there are some really odd-thinking people managing community housing…

      • Hmm, speaking of final resting places, I am reading Atul Gwande’s Being Mortal – it is a fascinating look at all things relating to our latter years, including the people managing community housing! I hope there are plusses as well as peculiarities to your new home.

  3. The shoes look great. A nice post too. It gave me a timely laugh. As for the political scene. We shall see. There is enough going on away from Trump. Australia is just about ready to start trading and swapping refugees.

  4. Love them. Must check them out when I’m back in the UK. I’ve always been one for buying shoes by touch and having suffered as a child with badly fitting shoes. I was checking boots in a shop and they were playing Paolo Nuttini’s New Shoes. A magical moment!

  5. Matthew Bourne is putting on his version of Red Shoes soon, very exciting. These look really comfy, love the colour. I made a mistake of buying a pair of flat patent loafers off my Nana for my birthday that I thought would wear in because the leather was quite tough, several blister plasters later !!!

  6. And the good fairy said, “Click your magic red heels twice Hilary, and repeat there’s no Trump for president, there’s no Trump for president, to make the mad Trumper go away.”
    Please! We’re counting on you….

  7. Mrs Ha wants me to buy a pair of red trousers. I think this is a step too far. What does the fashion editor think? I have a pair of burgundy brogues (Churches, I believe). That’s my limit.

    • Red trousers? One of my brothers wears red trousers. I believe men in red trousers are subject to mockery (though I have no idea why – may signify a particular ‘county type’). Burgundy – shoes or trousers – great and of course Churches the best. There must be a reason I have never been a fashion editor.

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